Monday, December 12, 2011

Pregnancy Anxiety Questions We All Ask Ourselves?

You sound a little like me! I can't cook anything but I can microwave everything. Now don't get me wrong I can cook simple things like Spaghetti and stuff that comes premade in the box and you just have to add water, milk, and er. I can not sleep with my feet out of the covers and hanging over the bed. Even if I am in a deep sleep I'll wake up and move over or up. I don't really whine, though, probably cuz I know what i have and I appreciate every second of it so there isn't anything to whine about. I eat what I cook so if I dont' know how to cook then I eat like crap! You just have to become motivated to do different things. Try one new thing every week and then it'll become a custom and you'll forget all your old, bad habits.


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